Thrift Hunt FAQs


  1. Are 30 seconds enough?
    Rest assured, we make it very easy for you to grab great stuff! Our selection will be well curated and well spaced out; arranged category wise and in ascending order of size.

    Moreover, we will have many items independent of size - books, Frida robes, jewellery, bags,etc.

  2. What is the format of the event?
    Every hour has 4 slots. Each single slot admits only 6 people into the store.

    The group is then given a detailed tour of the store, showing all the categories and areas where the Thrift Hunt merch is placed. Contestants are then given 30 seconds to grab anything in the store for 99 each.

  3. What sizes are available?
    We will have sizes upto L for men and upto XL for women.

  4. Will everything be arranged size wise?
    Everything will be arranged in ascending order of size.

  5. What brands/items are up for grabs?
    Zara, H&M, Forever 21, Bershka, Ritu Kumar, Dickies, Carrhart, Tory Burch, Ted Baker, Nike, Converse, and more!

  6. Can I book multiple slots?
    Yes you can grab multiple slots! There is no limit to how many slots you can buy. Each ticket buys you 30 seconds to get your eyes on the prize!

  7. How many items can I grab at once?
    The maximum items you can grab are 25. If you grab more, they will have to be discarded at billing.